
Working with your loved one's healthcare team

Digesting information throughout the AML journey can be difficult, particularly when making decisions about treatment.

As a caregiver, you can help your loved one by working closely with their healthcare team.

You may also be the first person to notice changes in your loved one's symptoms. Sharing that information with the healthcare team is valuable.


Ask questions

Ask questions and take notes during appointments
Creating a list of questions before appointments helps you remember what to ask so you won’t forget anything

Ask questions

Make sure that treatment decisions reflect your loved one’s priorities and goals
Speak up during appointments and ask questions to make sure you and your loved one understand the potential benefits and possible side effects of all treatment options

Ask questions

Share information about your loved one’s progress with the healthcare team
Between appointments, help your loved one track their symptoms, and any treatment side effects

Ask questions

Make sure that providers from different healthcare teams share information with each other
Ask providers how they will communicate with each other to ensure they have a good plan



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